One more Star Wars themed work activity. Pinterest came to the rescue with the idea for these, so I shamelessly stole the idea and executed it messily. They still tasted good, though!

Original Origami Designs, Tabletop RPGs, and Everything In Between
One more Star Wars themed work activity. Pinterest came to the rescue with the idea for these, so I shamelessly stole the idea and executed it messily. They still tasted good, though!
California’s Gold was a fantastic program that celebrated the best, and sometimes the most seemingly mundane, that the state has to offer. Huell Howser was the kind of person who could get genuinely excited about the smallest of things. If everyone could be half as enthusiastic as Huell was about everything on the show, we’d all be a lot better for it.
After he passed, we decided to go on a tour of some of the spots he’d visited during his travels across the state. To mark the trip, we created a pair of custom shirts with the state flower on the front, and the state’s silhouette on the back, along with one of his signature catch phrases. And wow, it really was amazing.
I’m a doggy uncle whose doggy nephew is named Wedge after the Wedge Antilles of Star Wars fame. He’s a little grumble monster (a.k.a. a French Bulldog) and I got it into my head to design a T-shirt. I never did get it made but he ended up getting a rebel pilot costume for Halloween.
The initial design idea:
The mock up line drawing:
And the mock up T-shirt:
While Matt Smith is not in fact my favorite actor to play the doctor, sometimes these things happen and I couldn’t resist trying to fold the fez and the bow tie.
The notes below are VERY rough, but I’m hoping to come back to them and create real diagrams.
UPDATE 7/16/2017: The thirteenth doctor being announced gave me the final push I needed to refold and diagram the steps for this. Maybe I’ll revisit the theme and do a Jodie Whitaker version once we get a signature look.
The model:
The diagrams:
Not content to leave it be at origami models, I built these and game them to a friend of mine for her birthday. Pew pew!
After watching the both the new and classic Battlestar Galactica (sorry, not 1980) I designed a felt compelled to design a Colonial Viper and a Cylon Raider. These models don’t work as well with standard printer paper. If possible, use a foil origami paper (just watch for fingerprint marks).
Colonial Viper:
Colonial Viper Diagrams:
Cylon Raider:
Cylon Raider Diagrams:
I became briefly fascinated with wire sculpture and decided that it was as good a medium as any to try to create miniatures for Dungeons and Dragons. The scale makes it hard to do origami, and I had a spool of the stuff lying around, so I figured why not?
Bonus points for the D&D 3.5 book used for a background.
First up is the bard. I was running the campaign and had my self-insert DM PC. I’ve since learned the error of my ways, but he was a great tool for demonstrating the lethality of the enemies. The very first combat once they reached their questing site saw him beheaded. Fun times. He’s got a whip, some pan pipes, and a rapier at his hip. Oh, and of course a wide-brimmed hat.
Next up is the monk! The first attempt was serviceable but a bit bland. It read more like somebody in a drunken bar brawl than a badass martial artist.
Remember that badass martial artist? Here it is. We’ve got a dynamic pose, baggy pants, and a quarterstaff ready to kick some serious butt.
Next, a spearman, readying his spear against a charge. The scale got away from me a bit so he’s a bit on the large side, but he’s got a cool backpack and a helmet, so there’s that.
And this little cutie is a rodent of unusual size. As I recall he was retconned into some other furry animal on the fly, as one of the players actually owned pet rats (who were simply adorable, by the way).
Watch out! It’s a sword and shield fighter with a cape!
A villainous sahuagin with a trident, oh no!
But let us not forget the GOD OF FREAKIN’ BEARS. Seriously, this guy got to use the wire I had left over from making my chainmail hauberk (hey, I had a bunch of time on my hands between classes in college and not much to do, don’t judge).